For operators working in confined spaces, excellent visibility and speedy picking is essential. Guided aisle operation and a cab designed for efficiency make the Combi-ST and Combi-GT stand-on ranges the obvious choices when space is at an absolute premium, such as in stockholding facilities for steel, metal, tubes, uPVC extrusions.

The COMBI-ST range is capable of capacities of 5512lb up to 8818lb
Utilizing the COMBI-ST advantages, means you can increase your storage by up to 50%.
Multidirectional operation allows for more versatility, improving efficiency and safety.
The COMBI-ST Range are available in multiple fuel types. Diesel, Electric or LPG
Guided aisle operation is taken up by many customers, making it very quick to enter and steer down aisles whilst greatly reducing the risk of damage to both product and racking. When operators are required to do a lot of picking, the cab’s design makes it quick and easy to enter and exit on a regular basis compared with ride-on forklifts, and the option of a folding seat offers further levels of comfort. A popular option with the Combi-ST is the sit-down cabin with diagonal seat, which offers superb operator comfort without compromising on aisle widths.
The narrow cab design enables operation in extremely narrow aisles. And what’s more, platform lengths can be customised to fit existing narrow aisle facilities. Reduced on-site storage costs coupled with the ability to adapt stock density to growing demand are just some of the advantages of the Combi-ST/GT models.
5,500 - 8,800 LBS
Lift Height
Engine Type
Diesel, LPG & Electric
Machinery Type
Side Loader